notebook gif

The collected content as I read it is a fraction of what there was but

nevertheless it serves the purpose.

GIGroup made this happened and recovered what was the

“Online” content, now I see in action what it means “Internet never forgets”

If I knew it in 1998 I would rather have the full content on the Internet since its a fact – ineffective could be the “digital storage” when it changes (floppy to cd’s to memo cards, to hard drives etc)

This also refers to word processing programs as they IMPROVE and upgrade to make you inadequate. I am not trained or will

train to actually know any software program for “word-processing” as I can only type the old fashion way as on a typewriter, even hand-writing is better.

I just remembered how I once lost all the digital backup of the

“gleitzeit” essays without a chance of recovering. Sometime around 1996-98. When computer was a new thing to me. But everything eventually ended well when I discovered my notebook with handwritten essays as I was actually writing them in the same notebook with my conspectuses.. to be continued

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