Category Archives: Gif

notebook gif

The collected content as I read it is a fraction of what there was but

nevertheless it serves the purpose.

GIGroup made this happened and recovered what was the

“Online” content, now I see in action what it means “Internet never forgets”

If I knew it in 1998 I would rather have the full content on the Internet since its a fact – ineffective could be the “digital storage” when it changes (floppy to cd’s to memo cards, to hard drives etc)

This also refers to word processing programs as they IMPROVE and upgrade to make you inadequate. I am not trained or will

train to actually know any software program for “word-processing” as I can only type the old fashion way as on a typewriter, even hand-writing is better.

I just remembered how I once lost all the digital backup of the

“gleitzeit” essays without a chance of recovering. Sometime around 1996-98. When computer was a new thing to me. But everything eventually ended well when I discovered my notebook with handwritten essays as I was actually writing them in the same notebook with my conspectuses.. to be continued

back to earth gif hologram

Today I question myself what did I overlook or missed that the whole archive (the hard copy and digital backup) is now inaccessible.
Those times it was all done on FLOPPY disks. The documents were all in format of some word processor program.
Sometime ago or long time ago all of this become unreadable.  I was unaware of the changes to instigate whatever action on recovering all the backup data for myself.
As to the hundreds of huge cardboard boxes of paper with the HARD COPY – printed documentation – I wouldn’t know.

confetti PARTY TIME gif

May 8:
As I read the files titled “Blog..” I feel somewhat inadequate facing the seemingly recent past. I am the one who is supposed to have all the content related to Gleitzeit activity on the early Internet starting 1998. The art mission  on the internet…

Seems like it was yesterday yet it was another era of desk top computers with running printers. 

electric blue light gif – Imgur

electric blue light gif – Imgur

None of the artists really know what is invisible art they probably rely on the metaphysics and philosophers who had done all the work so that now the contemporary artists could keep going into the depths of pseudo-invisibility without risk to be lost since the invisibility they thrive on is only gimmicky, and so new so popular thanks to what gleitzeit art had unleashed in 1998 through the new media of communication. The Internet a truly virginal territory as it was in 1998 same now, when there’s practically no artists except for the Gleitzeit International Group know how to use the mass media for the artistic purpose. Not for website hosting or spreading some bits and pieces of art info, but to find a way to act artistically in a sense of creating influences, art ideas and make those art things in such a form that people of the internet would be able to absorb. 

behind the curtain gif – Imgur

behind the curtain gif – Imgur

Art surely must use mass communication to spread aesthetics. This is what’s not happening, except for the art shows that take places nobody knows where or when or even read about unless researching the INVISIBLE as I stumble upon many curious
things I’d never know about if it wasn’t for something that truly inspires me.

optical illusion almost invisible gif

Invisible Urban Topography: Visualizing City Wi-Fi Field. This was another try where the artist wanted to CONCEPTUALIZE an idea of communication. If in such case as this “Immaterials: Light Painting WiFi” the artist engages in the premise of communication.

The fine point of “good” conceptual art is missing on me here. I’d rather the Art events would refrain from common seeking of corporate sponsorship this way to put it simply. 


optical illusion, some cool gif with summer overtone

Though none of this interaction can manifest Invisible art. Interaction with public could be anything but not invisible art it seems to me. It’s an educated discussion, art of communication and at best the art propaganda.

Interesting to note as I mentioned the word propaganda how the very point or Paul Jaisini painting the invisible paintings allow the art propaganda to truly reach out to wide public.

everything is pink invisible

DOCUMENTED BLOG AMOUNT OF POSTS- CONTENT – ESSAYS, email comments, etc. wide spread and

“ACTIVE” engagement pushed the topic to the public, the only such art action that took place and received wide spread and interest… so on so forth… with ton of Invisible art comments that alone could made for thousands of art shows under Invisible Art title.